On March 13th this year, Telegram released a significant update to its self-appointed cryptocurrency wallet developed by the Open Platform (Top) Company. The novelty will directly introduce multiple asset trading capabilities and staking options to the March and April messaging applications.
Essentially, users can translate tokens and generate passive income, both on mobile and desktop versions, through wallets and bots that work directly on Telegram, without leaving the platform they already use.
The introduction of these features has expanded the possibilities for wallets. This has previously focused primarily on managing Troncoin, the native cryptocurrency of Blockchainton, used for payments within the Telegram ecosystem.
This update allows users to participate in activities yieldmechanisms that allow you to obtain yields when providing liquidity or block funding for financial protocols. All this happens within the same telegram interface. Eliminate the need for external chain depositsspeeds up operation and reduces technical friction for less familiar users.
More specifically, the trading function allows users to exchange tokens supported by wallets that include cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, USDT (TON network), and Knotcoin in addition to Toncoin. Includes up to 50 tokens with new features It will be deployed on the platform.
This means that anyone with a telegram account can, for example, acquire digital assets and sell them based on market conditions from the same environment where everything exchanges messages. For that part, yield It provides a route for users to place cryptocurrency into their work, generating returns by participating in liquidity pools and other decentralized financial products integrated into the platform.
According to the TOP, these characteristics are designed to leverage the base of over 100 million users who have already created accounts in their wallets.
You can also use Telegram Wallet to automatically exchange via P2P now. Since its debut, it has been a product focused on accessibility, considering that it has a private key for your wallet. It is generated directly by email or by hand, everything is generated from a telegram.
Top emphasized that wallets that act as mini-applications within Telegram “doesn’t require deposits. On-chain‘ function works.
In this sense, you can purchase Bitcoin through Google Pay, a bank account or other direct ways. P2P exchanges are also permitted, eliminating the need for external deposits for new users.
Last December, Telegram founder Pavel Durov declared that the messaging platform has over 950 million active users in its applications.