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Time to throw back! Do you remember MFERS? There’s something new in town.
He’s messy, shy, gamer, eating pizza from the floor. He’s a normal MFE.
The CC0 Studios team took inspiration from the November 2021 MFERS NFT collection and created the regular MFER, an animated YouTube pilot episode released this month that documented the life of one young Heck man who is still living with his parents at the age of 23.

MFERS was one of the collections of the NFT boom era that later launched in hype. Attitude towards the NFT PFP had already shifted towards the degeneracy and skepticism of the time.
By that point, so many NFT collections had made great promises through elaborate “roadmaps” that are rarely fulfilled. The team often gave up after weeks or months, causing accusations of “ragpal” and fraud projects. The founder of the pseudonym came out and disappeared with a pile of cash.

Source: MFERS price floor over time since launch
Mfers was born from that era. There was no roadmap or utility. The Mafar was launched in the public domain. This means that anyone can reuse PFP for any purpose. Free use was part of the vision.
Sartoshi, creator of Mfers, confirmed the obvious play of the play named after unknown Bitcoin creator nakamoto – “YA is winning, son?” The meme was his favorite and directly inspired the NFT collection.
I chatted, “Lawl.” His real name is Joe, but he prefers not to publicly share his last name. He was the co-founder of CC0 Studios and co-created the regular MFER project.
“I definitely resonate with that character,” he tells me about ordinary MFERs.
The regular MFER and his dog Max live in one messy room dotted with posters, books and other life artifacts. His mom is for some reason an astronaut, and his dad wants to sell his family home.
MFER is in love with Leaf. His fantasies change the animation from black and white to color when he is around her. Dad walks to him thinking about her.