When El Salvador’s Naive Buquere government announced its strategy with Bitcoin, there was little time for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to jump to question the project. That’s not happening with Trump now.
The news is that a small Central American country has declared that BTC has lit up international organisations’ warnings as its legal tender currency. It was in 2021 that the IMF warned Bukel about the “significant risks” involved in digital currencies.
Thus, the agency launched the first warning to El Salvador, indicating a rejection of cryptocurrency, Questioning the feasibility of a contract If Bukere insisted on promoting Bitcoin, the country negotiated with the IMF.
It is known to have followed: After the Salvador government’s resistance to the imposition, the agreement arrived three years later at the end of 2024.
Throughout negotiations, the IMF stuck to his idea that Bitcoin was placed on the side. The same was true in places where digital currencies were promoted or where adoption was very high, such as Central Africa and the Republic of Argentina.
So it’s weird The same thing doesn’t happen in the USNow under Donald Trump’s mission, he is giving the industry something special and well-known. The Republican inauguration last January has explained a flood of news about supporting the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
The White House cryptocurrency emperor figures arise, steps are taken to create strategic reserves, the Bags and Securities Commission (SEC) rejects requests for businesses in the sector, banks have a green light to provide BTC, and Congress will advance the proposal for regulations. despite this, The IMF is silent.
The IMF has shown caution before Trump’s plans
When I spoke to him about this topic last December, IMF spokesman Julie Kozak He declined to comment About the strategic cryptocurrency reserve plan It was proposed by the then-elected president.
At the time, Kozak said the International Monetary Fund would only carry out a thorough assessment of politics if it was implemented.
But after a few months, for this date, everything shows that national reserves will become reality and new and advantageous regulations will become reality. And although there is no plan for BTC to become fiat currency, the government openly promote the use of Bitcoinjust like Naive Buquere did in El Salvador.
Given this panorama, the media once again asked Kozak about the matter at a press conference provided this early this March.
Though El Salvador is forced to not accumulate BTC as a sanctuary, the emphasis was placed on contrasting the response as Trump is forced to move forward virtually without any obstacles in incorporating cryptocurrency into the US strategic reserves.
“Can you comment on the US program or would you differentiate between both countries?
Clearly, we are following President Trump’s announcement in the region closely. The Presidential Working Group on the Digital Asset Market has not yet completed its work. Therefore, there is no further details on implementing this proposal yet, but I will inform them at the time.
Julie Kozak, IMF press chief.
In this way, working groups created in the US to evaluate cryptocurrency policies ensure that the IMF has a clear position. Finish the task Present a report.
This is expected to pass 180 days after Trump’s executive order signing, so a declaration could occur More than half of this yearabout. Dates scheduled for Congress and even government agencies to proceed with the promulgation of some laws.
If the US leaves the IMF, will they face Trump?
The official IMF position on Trump’s actions is known when government plans have made great progress. Something that suggests why it leads to an agency Pay more attention to this opportunity.
To do this, it is important to consider the role the United States will encounter in this body.
As the IMF reveals it on its official website, the Treasury Department is leading the US government’s participation in the US IMF. The largest funder of the fund.
With just over 16% of participation, US political leaders have a strong influence on decision-making.
Since the foundation in 1944, it is even known that the US has acquired loans in IMF foreign currency on 28 different occasions. In 1978, approximately $3,000 million was awarded to the Germans and Jen Marcos to protect the dollar in the exchange market.
In all this time, both the IMF and the World Bank are always in strong control.
This fact is highlighted in an article by Project Syndicate, an international organization that groups nearly 500 media around the world.
However, this publication will remind you of Trump in the coming months I was able to withdraw the country from the International Monetary Fund. Or significantly reduce your funding.
The threat has achieved the strength of the executive order signed on February 4th. Therefore, the President calls for a thorough 180-day review of all international organizations that the United States belongs to and supports, and “all customs and treaties that the United States is part of.”
This is a directive that coincides with the purpose of the 2025 project, created by the Heritage Foundation, a public policy research institute with libertarian dyes, and accuses it of drawing out the policies of the Second Trump Government.
In the project IMF and the World Bank will be rejected As a “expensive intermediary”, it “intercepts” US funds before it reaches overseas projects.
In the opinion of some analysts, such measures would disproportionately harm both countries that receive financial support and the United States itself. This is because it reduces its ability to form rules for the global financial system and promote strategic interests.
There are other experts who think it’s possible to argue It’s going to be very negativemainly because they do not undermine the power of the dollar.
Whatever the outcome is, it is expected to occur A kind of pulse battle Or strategic alignment To avoid the shock of possible deviations from the IMF between the agency and the US government, or to face the government if it is withdrawn.
This scenario could lead to a bitcoin theme. It is important to consider that IMF guidelines suggest that states do not support the use of BTC.
As Cryptootics reports, the guidelines are part of the recommendations highlighted by the IMF in its global regulations proposal launched in 2021, and are now in violation of the US government.
Place these letters on the table. What remains is to wait for the next IMF declaration before Trump’s actions. It’s about knowing where this vision clashes.
(tagstotranslate)Bitcoin (BTC)